Category Archives: Communication

The benefits of Olympic-sized confidence

A sampling of insights we’ve gleaned so far from the Olympics: If you don’t like your score in gymnastics, you can actually ask them to look again, and they will actually change it. Ryan Seacrest gets way, way too much work. And if you’re looking for that “Hey, maybe I could still be an Olympian!” […]

The value of insights, intrusions, and interns

“Great advertising makes the quantum leap from intrusion to reward. From blind date to head-over-heels.” -Brokaw, 1:14-15 If you’ve not read it yet, the book of Brokaw points out some interesting truths on marketing and how to execute it successfully. The book includes the above quote, reminding us that advertising, as we know it, is […]

Chick-fil-Ain’t this interesting?

As Chick-fil-A works through its current PR nightmare involving everything from recalled Muppet toys, to an anti-gay company stance, to a fictitious Facebook user masquerading as a young girl named Abby Farle defending Chick-fil-A (see “her” posts below), we thought about a few lessons every company can take away from this. 1.) Save the waffles […]

Does your brand get cipher-like buzz?

In order to get people to use, interact with, and eventually love your brand, you have to get their attention. And sometimes, that means being a little mysterious. You know, like the pyramids. Or circus peanuts. Or an eccentric drifter with a thing for codes. See, a couple weeks ago, an eccentric drifter on a […]