Category Archives: Innovated Media

When selling-out is in.

By Brokaw copywriter Trish DiFranco  A contagious joy among 17,000 people, impromptu dance parties from hipsters and blue-hairs alike, and two generations worth of upbeat, stick-to-your-brain hits. That’s what went down at the Foster the People + The Beach Boys show this past Wednesday at Blossom. Also, seventy-somethings continuing to sing about their attraction to […]

The Raw Power of Non-Traditional P.R.

To stretch your marketing dollars and gain thousands of free media impressions may require some innovative non-traditional, offline tactics.

Before you blame the advertising.

How would you describe Burger King’s advertising? Creepy? Yes. Funny? The target would say, “heck yeah.” Viral? Absolutely. Effective? According to B.K., umm, no. Which is why they fired their longtime agency partner after six consecutive quarters of declining sales.

Now Open: Our T-shirt Site (thanks to you)

We listened to your T-shirt feedback and optimized our designs. So what are you waiting for? Go buy something at Made in the city that Michael Stanley built.